Sam Sulek Workout Routine

Sam Sulek Workout Routine: 4 Explosive Hypertrophy Workouts

Sam Sulek, a 21-year-old fitness dynamo from Ohio, Sam Sulek workout routine redefines the industry. Known for hypertrophy training, he combines compound and isolated exercises, offering unique insights into fitness dedication.

About The Program


Sam Sulek follows a structured 4-day split training regime that consists of the Chest, Back, Legs and Arms. The cycle is repeated. The calves are targeted as needed without a set schedule. This allows for flexibility when incorporating rest days.

He has changed his training volume from 11 sets per muscle per workout to 8 controlled sets. He uses an intuitive approach when selecting exercises, focusing on those that are in line with his goals and preferences. He is also committed to training until he reaches muscular failure. This method shows his commitment to achieve optimal results. Incorporating regular cardio sessions into his fitness regime is also a key component. This ensures a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to his fitness regimen.

We’ll be looking at Sam Sulek’s dynamic chest routine today, which is designed for highlighting Hypertrophy while sculpting pecs into perfection. Sam’s fitness journey has been marked by his dedication to high volume training, intense muscle isolation exercises, as well as a relentless pursuit for muscle growth. This program was designed to reflect his approach and give you the tools necessary to make exceptional improvements in your chest.

Focus on Hypertrophy & Isolation

Sam Sulek’s training philosophy focuses on hypertrophy – the process of increasing muscle size and definition. This program uses his signature technique, which involves a large number of repetitions and sets to increase the time spent under tension. This workout routine, which focuses on isolating chest muscles, aims to maximize the stimulation of muscle fibres and promote significant development.

Exercise Order and Selection

TheIncline Smith Machine is the foundational movement. This exercise is a primary muscle builder that engages the upper chest and helps to develop strength. Sam then moves on to isolated exercises such as Cable Presses or Cable Presses and Pec Deck, focusing in on specific muscles to intensify training stimulus.

Volume and Progress

The high number of repetitions and sets in this program reflects Sam’s commitment to hypertrophy. This workout program will challenge you to work harder by increasing weights or repetitions.

Sam Sulek’s Hypertrophy Focused Chest Workout provides an immersive look at the training philosophy of a rising fitness authority. This program will take you on a journey to develop your chest and muscle mass. It focuses on hypertrophy and includes intense isolation exercises. Remember that if you want to achieve the results Sam achieved, consistency, dedication and progressive overload will be key.

Workout Plan

Week: 1

  • Chest
    1. 1. Incline Smith Machine Press


  • Aim for 6-8 repetitions per set.

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  • 2. Cable Chest Fly


  • Try to complete 4-5 sets until failure (about 10-15 reps).

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  • 3. Pec Deck


Sam Sulek Arms Workout

Sam Sulek is a 21-year old dynamo hailing from Delaware, Ohio. He’s redefining the fitness industry. Sam Sulek, a former gymnast and diver turned his passion for fitness into an online phenomenon with TikTok videos and YouTube videos. Sam is known for his hypertrophy focused approach. His workouts combine power and precision with a mixture of compound lifts such as the Incline Barbell Press, and isolated exercises like Cable Flies and Pec Deck. Sam’s journey to muscle perfection hasn’t been without controversy, with discussions about his methods and allegations of substance abuse generating widespread attention. Sam’s commitment remains unwavering throughout. He offers a unique insight into the world of fitness and determination.

About The Program

This is Sam Sulek, a 21-year old fitness enthusiast who has an intense arm exercise routine. Sam’s unconventional methods of training piqued the interest of thousands of people, including us. Let’s take a look at his arm program full of obstacles to test his strength.

Sam always starts his workout with the triceps. The tricep Pushdown is the most famous exercise. Sam compares the triceps pushdown to a compound lift. It is comparable to the chest bench press. The strength of his muscle contraction causes the triceps to become very fatigued with the sets and repetitions that he does.

Next up is the seated overhead extension . The triceps are challenged by the unexpectedly intense nature.

Sam continues the workout with the tricep extension using the cable as his method of choice . Sam recommends that you focus on form and control rather than sheer weight. Therefore, it is best to use a lighter load and concentrate instead on achieving a tight squeeze at the end of each repetition. This allows for the priority of form and control to sheer weight. The resulting pump in the triceps was undoubtedly noticeable.

We then chose to do triceps extensions using cross cables. We chose form and control above sheer weight. So we selected a lighter load and concentrated instead on achieving a strong squeeze in the bottom of every repetition. We were able to put form and control above sheer weight. The resulting pump in the triceps was undoubtedly noticeable.

Sam starts with two challenging heavy sets of the traditional strong>dumbbell/strong> strong>bicep/strong>’strong>curls/strong>. He begins with two heavy sets of dumbbell Bicep Curls. The next exercise was machine sitting biceps. This forced a contraction that had never been seen before. ez-bar curls are the third exercise. is responsible for adding fullness and size to the muscles. Sam finishes his grueling arm exercise with a mesmerizing display of single arms preacher curls.

Workout Schedule

Week: 1

  • Triceps and Biceps
    1. 1. Straight-Bar Triceps Extension/Pushdown


  • Four sets of failure
  • 2. Overhead Cable Triceps Extension


  • Three sets of failure

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  • 3. Cross Cable Triceps Extention


  • One set is a failure

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  • 4. Standing Hammer Curls


  • Two heavy sets to failure

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  • 5. Machine Bicep Curl
    • Three sets of failure
  • 6. EZ Bar Curls


  • Two sets of failure
  • 7. Dumbbell Preacher curls


  • Two sets of failure

Sam Sulek Workout Routine of Back

Sam Sulek is a 21-year old dynamo hailing from Delaware, Ohio. He’s redefining the fitness industry. Sam Sulek, a former gymnast and diver turned his passion for fitness into a sensation on the internet with TikTok videos and YouTube content. Sam is known for his hypertrophy focused approach. His workouts combine power and precision with a mixture of compound lifts such as the Incline Barbell Press, and isolated exercises like Cable Flies and Pec Deck. Sam’s journey to muscle perfection hasn’t been without controversy, with discussions about his methods and allegations of substance abuse generating widespread attention. Sam’s commitment remains unwavering throughout. He offers a unique insight into the worlds of fitness, dedication, and the quest for peak performance.

We dive into the details of the workout, and the athlete’s method. Browse our featured workouts:

About The Program

Fitness enthusiasts strive for a defined, strong back that is responsible for their V-Taper. Well-planned back exercises improve your functional strength and physique. You’ll learn how to do Sam Sulek’s back and rear-delt workout including the exercises, sets and reps.

Sam begins his back-day workout with a 30-minute cardio on the seated cycle . This will help to increase the heart rate and blood flow as well as prepare your body for the exercises ahead. A challenging cardio workout will increase your heart rate and prepare your body for a more intense workout.

Back Exercise Strategy

Sam starts with the largest muscle group in the body, the back. In his videos he discusses the exercises he chooses to do, such as pulldowns and rows. Each exercise targets different areas of the back muscles to ensure a balanced workout.

Set and Rep Scheme

Sam usually completes 11 sets in his workouts. During his CUT phase, Sam reduced the total number of working sets, excluding warmups, to eight. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on different aspects of the back muscles, from the lats to the mid-back. He uses a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups.

The importance of Straps

Sam stresses the importance of lifting straps in his routine. They allow him to maximize his efforts, allowing him to focus solely on engaging the muscles targeted without expending energy gripping handles. When performing back muscle exercises, it is important to maintain proper form and isolate your muscles.

Exclusions of Deadlifts

In a few of his videos on back exercises, he explains why he does not include deadlifts in his routine. He feels that deadlifts are too demanding, as they involve multiple muscle groups. This doesn’t fit with his goal to isolate the back muscles.

Complete the Workout

Sam then turns his attention to the rear deltoides. Sam stresses the importance of targeting this muscle group, as they are responsible for a balanced and aesthetic back. He credits specific exercises such as lateral raises, lying face pulls, and lying back pulls for activating the rear delts.

Workout Schedule

Week: 1

  • Back
    1. 1. Lat Pull Downs


  • Two sets of 8-10 repetitions (until failure).
  • 2. Machine One Arm Row


  • Two sets until failure

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  • 3. T Bar Rows


  • Two sets of 10 reps

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  • 4. Standing Single Arm Cable Rows


  • Two sets of 10-12 reps

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  • 5. Lat Pull Downs


  • One set is a failure

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  • Back And Rear Delts
    1. 1. Lat Pulldown Machine with Underhand Grip
      • One set of 8-10 reps.
    2. 2. Lat Pulldown with Neutral Grip


  • Two sets of 8-10 repetitions (until failure).
  • 3. Machine One Arm Row


  • Two sets until failure

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  • 4. Standing Single Arm Cable Rows


  • Two sets of 8-12 repps
  • 5. Rear Delt Raise (Rear Delt Fly)


  • Two sets of failure

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  • 6. Lying Face Pulls


  • Two sets of 8-12 repetitions (to failure).
  • 7. Reverse Pec Deck (Rear Delt Fly Machine)


  • Two sets of 8-12 repetitions (to failure).

Sam Sulek Leg Workout

Sam Sulek is a 21-year old dynamo hailing from Delaware, Ohio. He’s redefining the fitness industry. Sam Sulek, a former gymnast and diver turned his passion for fitness into a sensation on the internet with TikTok videos and YouTube content. Sam is known for his hypertrophy focused approach. His workouts combine power and precision with a mixture of compound lifts such as the Incline Barbell Press, and isolated exercises like Cable Flies and Pec Deck. Sam’s journey to muscle perfection hasn’t been without controversy, with discussions centered around his methods and allegations of substance abuse. Sam’s commitment remains unwavering throughout. He offers a unique insight into the world of fitness and determination.

About The Program

Sam is a serious warm-up performer. He does a lot of exercises to get his muscles, joints and mind ready for heavy squats. Sam usually starts his leg workouts with variations on Hamstring Curls and before moving onto the Cable Romanian Deadlift. Next up is Squats. Sam warms up first with lighter weights, to avoid jumping straight to heavier ones. He also acknowledges that squats can be intimidating and takes them slowly. Sam does Narrow Elevated Heel Squats many times to ensure proper form. This includes keeping the back straight, and the knees pointing properly outwards.
Also read body weight legs workout called calisthenics leg workout here

Sam’s Squatting Experience:

Sam talks about the mental and emotional preparation required to squat heavy weights in his TikTok and YouTube videos. Sam describes the feeling of lifting heavy loads on the back. Explains why it is important to not lift too much weight to prevent injury to the spine, knees, or any other part of the body. Mentions an adductor injury that led to caution.

Hamstring curls and Cable RDLs

Sam begins with Hamstring Curls and Cable RDLs to emphasize the importance of warming the lower back and knees before squats.

Sam’s strategy of starting hamstring curls with light squeezing set is an proactive approach to prioritizing muscle activation and preventing strain or injury.

Sam mentions Cable Romanian deadlifts to be a great addition to the leg routine. The exercise uses a cable machine for Romanian deadlifts that target primarily the hamstrings. The writer can maintain constant tension and a unique angle by using cable variations. This is in contrast to traditional Romanian deadlifts that may have varying tension as the barbell moves from the body. Sam can optimize his hamstring activation and stimulate muscle growth by incorporating this exercise.

Sam can have an effective and productive leg workout with these two exercises while minimising the risk of setbacks.

Intensity and Progressive Overload:

Sam discusses the importance of progressive overload in building muscle and strength. The author encourages people to push themselves within their limits, particularly during intense leg exercises.

Forms and Variations:

Sam has mentioned this before and he recommends that you maintain the proper squat position in order to avoid injury. He talks about the importance of finding the correct squat position and stance, and the different leg exercises strategies such as narrow-stance squats. He emphasizes the importance of listening and adapting exercises to minor discomfort and feelings. Also promotes the idea of squeezing exercises to prevent injury.

Workout Plan

Week: 1

  • Legs
    1. 1. Hamstring curls for the seated leg


  • Warm up with 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

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  • 2. Cable Romanian Deadlifts


  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps

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  • 3. Squat


  • Four sets of 8-12 repetitions
  • 4. Quad Extensions (Leg Extenders)


  • Four sets of 8-15 repetitions

Sam Sulek’s unique video style has made him a social media sensation, thanks to his inedible body and unmistakable voice. This 21-year old bodybuilder broke the mold with his impressive physique and a return of traditional bodybuilding techniques. Sam and the Tren Twins, who are traditional “gym brothers”, have taken back control from the science-based crowd in what appears to be a new age.

This detailed analysis of Sam Sulek’s Workout Routine will examine his nutrition and training, as well as vital statistics.

When did Sam Sulek first get started?

To understand Sam Sulek’s fitness journey, it’s essential to go back to his bodybuilding beginnings. This journey began when he turned 21. What events led him to this incredible path? Look at his background.

Sam Sulek, originally from Ohio, needed a healthier path. He was different from many other young bodybuilders, because he was also an athlete.

He was an excellent gymnast in high school and also a diver. These events taught him discipline, strength and endurance, all of which he would use in his bodybuilding.

Fans of Sam Sulek’s exercise videos posted on sites such as TikTok immediately noticed him. His unique style of providing fitness tips that are often mixed with humor or controversy caught the attention of fitness professionals and those who were just getting started.

Sam was different from other fitness influencers, because he had an honest style and a new style which felt more like a video blog and gave people a real look at his everyday life.

What really sets Sam Sulek apart is not his unique exercise tips, but his body and the hard work he puts in to maintain it.

His example shows how dedication and unconventional ways can produce incredible results.

Sam Sulek Stats

Height177 cm (5’10”)
Weight106 kg (234 pounds)
BirthdayFebruary 7, 2002

Sam Sulek Diet

Sam Sulek’s diet has been praised and criticized. His diet is not conventional for bodybuilding or fitness. Sam Sulek’s diet is described in more detail below:

Caloric intake

Sam consumes large amounts of calories in order to fuel his intense training and to continue to gain weight during his bulking phase. His caloric intake on a normal day can be as high as 5,200 calories.

Sam reduces his calorie intake to 2500. Sam’s diet is being trimmed of many frivolous items like cereal and donuts.

Diverse Food Choices

Sam’s diverse diet is what makes it unique. Sam does not limit himself to the typical bodybuilder’s diet. He includes a variety of food in his daily meals. Sam uses the “if it’s in your macros” method.

Occasional Indulgences

Sam Sulek, while devoted to his fitness goals, doesn’t hesitate to indulge in “less clean” foods from time-to-time. It could be a few treats or other less traditional choices, such as donuts and fries.

Sam Sulek Choice Supplements

Sam Sulek has a unique eating style, but he still includes vitamins in his daily routine. These supplements were chosen to support him in his fitness journey. Here are some of Sam Sulek’s favorite supplements.Protein shake

 Sam drinks a protein drink after he works out. This choice is in line with the more common bodybuilding practice. It helps him get all the protein needed for muscle growth and healing.

Final Thoughts

Sam Sulek’s amazing body is the direct result of his commitment to a traditional training regimen. What really makes him stand out is his unconventional eating habits.

Sam Sulek’s eating plan for bodybuilders is unusual because it emphasizes a variety of foods rather than a focus on clean eating. This novel approach has been used to test the conventional diets of many bodybuilders. It has received both positive and negative feedback.

Sam’s method works for him but may be better than others. His unusual decisions are influenced by his age, level of exercise, and many other factors. Sam’s story should inspire anyone who understands the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving physical improvements.

Sam Sulek is a great example of the diversity in the fitness industry. His unconventional methods have earned him a loyal fan base, and made him an important figure in the dynamic field of fitness.
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Sam Sulek’s dedication to his unconventional workout routines and unique approach to fitness has gained him a significant following. His hypertrophy-focused chest, arms, back, and leg workouts emphasize muscle isolation and high-volume training. While his diet choices may not be conventional, they reflect his individuality and have generated both praise and criticism. Sam Sulek serves as an inspiring figure in the diverse fitness industry, showcasing the importance of perseverance and commitment to achieving remarkable physical improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. What is Sam Sulek’s workout routine focused on?

  • Sam Sulek’s workout routine is focused on hypertrophy, emphasizing muscle growth and definition.

2. What exercises are included in Sam Sulek’s chest workout?

  • Sam’s chest workout includes exercises like Incline Smith Machine Press, Cable Chest Fly, and Pec Deck.

3. What is Sam Sulek’s approach to diet and nutrition?

  • Sam follows a diverse diet, emphasizing calorie intake to support his intense training, with occasional indulgences.

4. How does Sam Sulek approach cardio in his fitness routine?

  • Sam includes daily 30-minute cardio sessions, often on an exercise bike, to support overall health and training.

5. Why is Sam Sulek’s workout routine considered unconventional?

  • Sam’s workout routine is unconventional due to his flexible exercise selection based on how he feels, as well as his unique diet choices.

6. Does Sam Sulek use supplements in his fitness journey?

  • Yes, Sam Sulek includes protein shakes in his routine to support muscle growth and recovery.

7. How has Sam Sulek’s dedication and commitment influenced his physique?

  • Sam Sulek’s dedication and commitment to his fitness routine have resulted in his impressive and distinctive physique.

8. What sets Sam Sulek apart in the fitness industry?

  • Sam’s unconventional methods and unique video style have made him a standout figure, offering a different perspective on fitness.

9. What should individuals take away from Sam Sulek’s fitness journey?

  • Sam Sulek’s journey highlights the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving remarkable physical improvements, regardless of unconventional choices.

10. How can one benefit from Sam Sulek’s workout routine and diet approach? – One can benefit by incorporating elements of Sam Sulek’s high-volume training, muscle isolation exercises, and diverse diet choices into their own fitness journey.

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